Give Something Back!
Many of the reasons for volunteering abroad are the same as those for volunteering at home but here there is the added bonus of getting to travel.
Volunteering abroad is a much more meaningful experience, taking you further out of your comfort zone and offering far greater rewards. Volunteering brings together a diverse range of people from all backgrounds and walks of life and can be a rich source of inspiration and an excellent way to develop your interpersonal skills.
Here are a few things to keep in mind while considering why the vast majority of volunteer programs charge
a fee:
BCEC as non-profit organization has limited resources and is not able to subsidize your trip or cover the costs of hosting you. These costs include accommodation, food and transport, among numerous other things.
Volunteers should not replace possible local employees. If we did have the financial resources to pay for the work in the projects, it would most certainly be more beneficial and cost-effective to hire a local person, someone who already knows the language and culture and this way also support local economy.
To work and supervise a project overseas is time-consuming, takes resources, and requires an experienced and professional staff.
The process of preparing, training, transporting, housing, feeding, and supervising volunteers is not cheap.
Additional services such as health care, re-entry assistance, and more, all add to the expenses of a program.
The costs of recruiting volunteers, producing literature, answering the phones, sending mailings, developing a web site, and interviewing potential volunteers are significant.
Your contribution covers not only the direct costs of your participation in the project, but is also used to cover salaries of local staff, instruments and equipment used to conduct the project, educational materials, research permits etc.
All in all, the volunteer contributions are a major source of funding to run the projects. When you volunteer with BCEC, 100% of your money goes back into the research projects, community education, and many other efforts involved with helping save the marine eco-system.
Unique Opportunities!
When you volunteer with Blue Caribbean Environmental Conservation, which is a non-profit Organization, you motivate and inspire communities though out Trinidad and Tobago for the future of the worlds coastal eco-system. BCEC is dedicated to restoring our Sea Horses, Mantes Rays, Corals, Reef Fishes and Turtles. The continuation of mapping and surveying the coral reefs are essential to provide governments with the current information to make a change.
​Personal Growth!
Volunteers returning from abroad are usually more independent, more confident, more adventurous, more compassionate and more courageous, especially if it was their first foray into independent travel.Volunteers make a real difference to the world we live in, be it through conservation work or teaching, and they can go home knowing they have done something amazing and simply feeling good about yourself.
​Life Long Friends & Family!
Volunteers often find lifelong friendship from working through difficulties and exploring new things together. While meeting people is often an added bonus, many people choose to volunteer primarily to develop friendships with people from different cultures.
So whatever your reason for volunteering, you’ll find that it offers you a truly unique experience. In today’s busy world, many people think that they don’t have time to volunteer but placements can be as short as 2 weeks and they make a truly memorable summer vacation.
We believe that small initiatives can make a big difference
Volunteer work is a great way to gain skills and experience in a broad range of fields. Many employers won’t hire a person, no matter how much education they have, if they don’t have any relevant experience.